Few experiences equal the agony of watching your child be hospitalized. If this happens to your family, these tips can help you and your child spend the most comfortable and productive healing time at the hospital:

  1. Provide Full Information

Remember that you know more about your child’s history and state of health than anyone else. You must be sure to share all the information with the hospital staff. Don’t feel hesitant in front of experienced doctors and nurses, or assume they will automatically know how to provide the best care for your child.

  1. Ask Questions

Some parents get flustered in front of physicians and hesitate to ask about the details of the treatment their child is being subjected to. Make sure to ask all the relevant questions as many times as you need to get clear-cut answers. If you are unsure of how to administer medication or use medical equipment, ask the medical staff to help you become confident.

  1. Stick to Routine

No child enjoys the experience of being hospitalized and receiving medication. Your child will look to you for hope and comfort. Try to act as normal as possible, and keep up routines like playing games or reading stories to remind them this is just a passing part of their normal lives. If you have other kids, try to keep them on their normal routine too.

  1. Advocate

Express your concerns and misgivings when you have them. Speak up if a dosage seems high or inaccurate. You have a right to be an informed and confident member of your child’s care team.

  1. Befriend the Staff

Be appreciative of the nursing staff’s efforts and know you are all on the same side with the same goal to provide the best care for your child.

  1.  Ask for Help

While putting on a strong front for your child can help them feel secure, no one expects you to keep it up constantly. Visit often, but give yourself an outlet outside of the hospital. Try activities like coloring that are therapeutic for you and your child. Ask relatives to help with chores or caring for other children; also ask if relatives can visit when you are unable to, so your child has company more often than not.