Antibiotics have grown in popularity since their inception as a way to ward off diseases, and the logic behind their use seems simple enough. However, a new book argues that an over dependence on antibiotics can have the opposite effect of leaving children even more vulnerable to illness.

Good vs. Bad Bacteria

Antibacterial product marketing always focuses on showing bacteria that is responsible for a host of illnesses and diseases. But the truth is, there are many other types of bacteria that actually benefit humanity:

1. Aiding in digestion by helping break down complex food products.

2. Providing immunity to the body against external threats.

3. Promoting healthy soil and soil recovery for agricultural yields.

4. Aiding in scientific research, since bacteria can be grown quickly and easily in labs.

A Balanced Approach

So should you allow your kids to wallow in dirt, or should you douse them in antibacterial products daily? The answer lies somewhere in the middle. There are far more harmless bacteria out there than the harmful type. A certain amount of caution is necessary, but that caution should not result in your wiping out every trace of bacteria. Petting the dog, even receiving doggy kisses, will introduce beneficial microbes, but playing with dog poop? Absolutely not!

The Final Word

Avoiding overuse of antibacterials can help children hold onto essential microbes their bodies need. Wash your hands with soap and water before meals, after going to the bathroom and whenever you are in a health care environment. Other than those situations, a little dirt won’t hurt.