With the birth of a new baby, comes new responsibilities, sleepless nights and dozens of doctor visits. You can lighten your load, and save yourself a few crying moments, by taking your child to the pediatrician at the appointed time. Babies are born with a schedule. From the minute they enter the world, it is your job to ensure their health and safety, by keeping them vaccinated, by following a well-baby chart.

Your child’s health and development depends on his or her meeting with the doctor on time, getting their check-ups, and following up with all scheduled shots. Here is your child’s pre- made schedule you didn’t know about;

  • One to seven days after birth, may or may not need a shot
  • Two weeks, could be determined by the doctor

Non- Optional

  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 2- years
  • 3- 18 years, and once each year

If your child is to meet each developmental milestone, you must stick to this schedule religiously. As your child develops, so does his brain cells, and muscles. As your child enters each milestone in life, you can see him/her change physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Any concerns about the well- being of your child, or questions regarding your child’s developmental growth, should be discussed with your child’s pediatrician. All children deserve to be healthy and happy, and it all starts with your child’s very first visit to the doctor.