
flu symptoms in children

Why Children Should Get Flu Shot

2016-03-22T21:09:47-07:00March 22nd, 2016|Blog|

Controversies over immunizations and other vaccines have been raging for quite some time. You may read that you should get a flu shot on one day, only to find 25 reasons not to get a flu shot the next day. And what about your children? Should they get a flu shot? Here is the simple answer: Yes. Here's why. Influenza is still a big killer. [...]

Flu vs Cold: Symptoms in Children

2016-02-09T17:17:05-07:00February 9th, 2016|Blog|

You just received a call from the school, and they are sending your child home because of a runny nose and a fever. You may be asking yourself: is it just a cold or is it flu? Should you call your doctor now or wait and see? Having a cold or the flu can seem very similar. Both are respiratory illnesses, which mean they affect [...]

Flu in Children: How It Spreads, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, Prevention

2016-01-26T17:00:55-07:00January 26th, 2016|Blog|

Influenza, or the 'flu' is a common respiratory illness that seems to affect many people during the winter season, although many get the flu at other times of the year also. Kids seem to be more susceptible to it than adults. Now that winter has arrived, the flu season will be kicking up. You want to be prepared and know what to look out for. [...]

Child Visits During Flu Season? Here’s How We Protect Your Child in the Office

2016-01-12T15:48:15-07:00January 12th, 2016|Blog|

There may be times during flu season when your child has an appointment to come in for a child doctor visit in Glendale and you're concerned that coming in to the office will make matters worse. We are as concerned for your children's health as you are, and take every precaution to ensure their well-being when they step inside our offices. Especially during flu season, [...]

Why Your Kids Need a Flu Vaccine

2015-12-22T11:09:33-07:00December 22nd, 2015|Blog|

There are many illnesses that your child will inevitably get, and one of them could be the flu. Influenza can be very dangerous in children; there are those who end up being hospitalized and even those cases which result in death. Flu seasons vary, of course, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider getting your children vaccinated against influenza. Flu is much more intense than [...]

What to Do When Your Kids Have the Flu

2015-11-24T10:34:15-07:00November 24th, 2015|Blog|

Your child comes home from school and tells you he doesn't feel well. He is is warm to the touch, and looks tired. There may be stuffiness and a dry cough as well. It is likely that your child is suffering from the flu, a respiratory infection which affects the nose, throat and sinuses. Check them for symptoms. Flu symptoms include: sudden high fever headache [...]

Infants and Colds – Prevention is the First Step

2015-11-10T10:04:20-07:00November 10th, 2015|Blog|

Treating your baby for a cold can be tricky. First of all, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it really is a cold or just some nasal stuffiness. After all, infants can’t tell you how they feel or what the problem is. Colds are a very common illness in children, and even babies tend to get their fair share. Just a little stuffiness and they [...]

How Eating Right Can Prevent the Cold and Flu in Children

2015-11-03T09:56:18-07:00November 3rd, 2015|Blog|

Once summer comes to an end, school begins and lots of activities start up again. These are busy, fun days, except for when your child gets a cold or flu. It’s frustrating to deal with sickness in children, but there are things you can do to help lessen those sick days. A great way to help fight off colds and the flu is by teaching [...]

Feed the Flu and Other Treatment Options for Kids

2015-10-27T09:51:52-07:00October 27th, 2015|Blog|

Fall and winter may seem like such fun months for children. They love getting outdoors to play in the snow with sleds and snowmen and everything else that goes with it. It isn't so much fun when they get colds or the flu. Colds and flu are very common in the colder months, and chances are your child will come down with one or both [...]

Does my Child Have The Flu or a Cold?

2015-10-20T08:42:50-07:00October 20th, 2015|Blog|

Colds and influenza share many of the same symptoms, so how do you figure out exactly what is ailing your child? Usually with the flu, your child will be much sicker than they would be with just the average cold. Learn to recognize cold and flu symptoms in children, and treatments for each. Is It a Cold? A cold is a viral infection that affects [...]