As pediatricians, it’s certainly not our goal to create more stress and give you more reasons to worry about your children. However, a recent report reveals that of the 800 child deaths in Arizona last year, 330 could have been prevented. What caused these preventable child deaths?

Car Crashes

Defensive driving is a must to keep your own family and everyone else on the road safe. Choosing vehicles with high safety ratings also helps prevent crashes, and mitigate damage when they do occur. For children, following carseat guidelines saves lives. When in doubt, ask your pediatrician and get your carseat inspected for proper installation.

Unsafe Sleeping Conditions

Sleeping guidelines change as the pediatric community gains more data about unsafe sleeping. That’s why it’s really important to adhere to the latest guidelines on infant sleep safety, even if you did things differently with your older children, or planned to do things differently before learning the latest guidelines. Make sure babysitters and any other caregivers who might put your child to bed understand the importance of safe sleeping.

Other Preventable Causes

We constantly educate parents about not leaving children in the car. It’s hard to believe until you’re an overtired, stressed out parent yourself, but it’s all too easy to forget that your child is still in the backseat.

Practice pool safety and bath time safety to prevent drowning.

Suicide caused 47 deaths of Arizona minors in 2015. Learn the signs of depression and anxiety, and work with counselors and physicians to help your child through difficult times. Suicidality develops over time, so early and consistent treatment is the best prevention.

Cases of death due to abuse and neglect rose. If you suspect a child may be in danger because of abuse or neglect, call 1-888-SOS-CHILD. If you struggle with high levels of stress and feel it may affect your parenting, or if you are living with an abusive partner, please get help.