Welcoming a newborn child is an incredible experience. Needless to say, it can be quite stressful. Every newborn has a right to proper care from when they exit the mother’s body. The care given is essential to their health. Let us discuss a few reasons why newborn medical care is so crucial.


Drying the Baby

As the baby exits the uterus of the mother, they are not dry due to the amniotic fluid present. They need to be dried and kept warm. This is important because they are being introduced to a change in temperature. This can be done by wiping the baby while placing them in the mother’s arms. The skin contact between them introduces the child to the mother’s skin bacteria which aid in the fighting of diseases and also encourage bonding between the newborn and the mother.


Taking Temperatures

It is extremely important to take the baby’s temperature to ensure that they are free from any conditions from exposure to the cold. Remember, the child is in a new environment and temperatures vary from the environment it developed in. Checking to see that they retain a normal temperature is important.


Cleaning Up

This term does not exactly mean getting into the water for a bath. It means removing any mucus from the mouth, nose, and throat to clear the airway of the baby. Also, be sure to clean up the eyes to prevent infection during the birth process. Of course, having clear airways is necessary for the newborn to acclimate to its new environment.


Sterilizing Instruments

Preventing infections during birth is a major factor in the process. You need to use fully sterilized equipment when dealing with the newborn. Sterilization ensures that the baby is free from potential infections.



A newborn is introduced to suckling as soon as possible. Remember, if they are in good condition, that will be their mode of feeding for at least six months. The baby gets most of its immunity from the mother’s milk. It is therefore important to introduce it as soon as within the first hour after birth.


Actual Cleaning

This is done six hours after birth to remove any dirt that could lead to infection. The baby, however, has a whitish covering on its skin that should not be removed at this time. This whitish coating protects the baby from infections in their new environment.

Newborn medical care is essential for the well-being of the child. For babies born before 38 weeks, jaundice is a condition the doctor should pay attention to and guide you on how to manage it. If you need more information about our services, contact us today.