Bringing your newborn to the pediatrician early is the best way to have professional newborn care to assess their well-being. New parents, though, may have dozens of questions about their child’s health, which can be overwhelming. To help you out, here are three key questions every new parent should ask their kids’ physicians to get the ball rolling.


How Much Should My Baby Be Sleeping?

Overall, according to Kids Health, babies will sleep between 14 and 17 hours a day, but sometimes as much as 18 or 19. Rest is vital to growing children, and the best pediatricians will ask you about the cribs you’ve situated them with. It is recommended that cribs and cradles have as minimal objects in them as possible, including stuffed animals and blankets, to ensure the baby has no obstruction to their breathing. It is normal for infants to wake during the night if they are hungry or need a change of diaper, as most babies feed every two to three hours. Sleep is essential for newborns because they are more prone to diseases such as the flu, especially those under age five, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


What Are the Best Ways to Burp My Baby?

Burping is essential to help release some of the air that babies may swallow while feeding. The two best ways to do this are one: sitting your baby upright on your lap, supporting their chin and head with one hand and patting their back with the other, and two: holding your baby on your shoulder and patting their back in that position. Pediatric physicians will be able to help you into these positions, but fortunately, they are positions that you may find yourself in with your child naturally as you carry and play with them.

How Do I Know if My Baby Ate Enough?

When your baby is well-fed, they will be active and happy. Steady weight gain is a clear sign that their nutritional needs are being met and they are receiving the correct size meals. Regular wet diapers are also a great indicator. If you follow your pediatrician’s recommendations and feed your baby accordingly, you should notice these indicators and be sure that your baby is right on schedule.


Caring for a newborn can be one of the most attentive tasks in anyone’s lifetime and it can be easy to get so entrenched in the details that we overthink things. Kids physicians are great resources for reminding new parents that raising a child is possible and for offering any additional support they need. Contact us today about booking an appointment for your newborn.