Going gluten-free isn’t a trendy diet for everyone. Gluten allergies are real and another name for them is celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder affects 1% of the population. For children specifically, 1 in 130 will be diagnosed with celiac disease. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, they can damage their small intestine. But how can parents know if their child has a gluten allergy? Here are 3 signs of celiac disease to look for in your children.

First, What’s Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. It’s what binds food together, helping keep their shape. Many foods like pasta and bread have gluten.

Sign 1: Abdominal Pain

Gluten inflames the lining of the intestines in an individual who has celiac disease. If your child has a gluten allergy, they’ll suffer from abdominal pain. It won’t be a one-time issue. The abdominal pain will normally occur after every time they consume gluten and will be long-lasting.

Sign 2: Constipation

Because celiac disease affects the intestines, constipation is a common symptom associated with the disease. If your child has celiac disease, they will have a difficult time making a bowel movement after consuming gluten.

Sign 3: Growth Stunt

Celiac disease affects growth because gluten allergies are often associated with poor nutrition absorption. Your child may not be growing because of their celiac disease or they may not be going up in sizes. Despite the fact that they’re not gaining weight, they’ll have a bloated abdomen.

Do you believe your child has celiac disease, a gluten allergy, or a sensitivity to gluten? Request an appointment with Pediatrix. Our pediatricians will properly diagnose your child and prescribe a diet or possibly medicine to help them live normally.