There’s a lot to think about when you’re planning your very first, or your next, camping trip. Because you will be out in the wild, preparation is key to having the best time of your life. A little planning beforehand goes a long way to making your camping trip memorable.

When you take your children on their first camping trips, you want to ensure that they are safe from every risk or danger the outdoors has to offer. Here are a few health tips for kids to help you out.

Know Your Campsite

Don’t just stake your tents anywhere. Know what is around you and be particularly mindful of standing water or boggy areas. These are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other hungry bugs.

Always keep the tent screens zipped up, and don’t leave the ‘door’ open for long, especially at night. If you do, every flying insect will follow you right in. Plan on a campsite that’s on higher ground.

Know Your Bugs

Depending on where you are camping, you’ll most likely run into different types of bugs that can annoy you. Any health questions about them should be something you’re aware of before you set out on your camping trip.

Mosquitoes are everywhere of course, but other bugs such as ticks and bees or wasps are ones to be aware of when you’re out and about. If you’re in the Southwest be aware that scorpions are frequently lurking under rocks and out of sight. Spiders are another problem, particularly in a public restroom. They love to hide in dark corners, so keep a lookout.

Use Insect Repellants

No camping trip with your kids should turn ugly. The best way to keep everyone happy is to use an effective insect repellant. There are many to choose from, but look for one with the ingredient commonly known as DEET. DEET actually disguises your smell, so bugs get confused and stay away. An effective insect repellant will keep the bugs off of you all day long.

Know Your First Aid

If you will be away from civilization for awhile, be very aware of what to do when bug bites and other minor annoyances occur. You may have wondered about the best way of how to teach first aid to children. Everyone should know basic first aid for scratches, bites and more. Start with simple first aid lessons at home so that the kids are pros with band-aids and ice packs when they are out in the wilderness.

Know where the emergency first aid stations are, too. Preparation for all circumstances will make your camping trips worry-free and memorable.