
Monthly Archives: July 2012

Helpful Tips for a Healthy School Year

2012-07-30T16:27:09-07:00July 30th, 2012|Blog|

Between trips to the store for school supplies and new clothing, your child may also require a trip to a pediatrician in Phoenix for school-mandated shots and vaccines before the school year begins. Preparing your child for the upcoming school year shouldn’t stop here however. Here are some tips to help keep your child happy and healthy throughout the school year: Screenings & checkups: In [...]

The Importance of Vaccinations

2012-07-06T16:50:10-07:00July 6th, 2012|Blog|

Historically, parents consulted a Phoenix children’s doctor about immunizations, but the increased use of social media, blogging, and online parenting forums has exposed a number of concerns regarding immunizations that are spreading throughout the parenting community. These hesitations stem from rumors, such as the one stating that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations were linked to autism. Even after the case was declared fraudulent and [...]