
Monthly Archives: June 2014

Is Full Fat Milk Healthier?

2014-06-27T09:00:11-07:00June 27th, 2014|Blog|

North Phoenix pediatricians, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association, have long held the belief that the healthiest milk choice for children two years and older is skim or low-fat, such as 1%. Pediatricians in Glendale AZ and other areas recommend such milk choices for patients as higher fat milk has more calories from saturated fat, which may contribute to [...]

Summer Pool Safety

2014-06-20T09:00:16-07:00June 20th, 2014|Blog|

When summer rolls around, Arizona families hit the pool to help keep cool in the heat. While pool days are a lot of fun for kids of all ages, it is important to note that pools can also be a real danger. For this reason, it is essential that you take precautionary measures, and provide proper care to your children around the pool at all [...]

Get in Early for a Sports or Camp Physical

2014-06-13T09:00:57-07:00June 13th, 2014|Blog|

In addition to maintaining a well child check schedule, there are a number of kids that visit with pediatricians in Scottsdale and other areas in metro Phoenix to receive physicals. Physicals are different than the standard check ups completed by pediatricians and other health care providers in that they place a larger emphasis on health as it pertains to athletics. Physical exams are much briefer [...]

Summer Sunscreen Tips

2014-06-06T09:00:16-07:00June 6th, 2014|Blog|

Summer vacation is just around the corner, meaning kids will soon be participating in activities, such as sports and camps, many of which take place outdoors. As such, parents should be prepared to protect their little ones by stocking up on sunscreen to protect them from exposure to harmful sunrays. When looking for sunscreen, it can be extremely difficult to choose the best option for [...]