
Monthly Archives: July 2014

When to Start Solids

2014-07-25T09:00:16-07:00July 25th, 2014|Blog|

Parents are often anxious to begin feeding their kids solid foods, with many actually starting a little too soon. Generally, pediatricians in Anthem AZ and other areas throughout the country recommend that babies exclusively drink breast milk or formula up until six months of age. After that time, solid foods can then be introduced. If your baby has reached six months, and you have decided [...]

Infant Health and the Importance of Touch

2014-07-18T09:00:03-07:00July 18th, 2014|Blog|

Skin is the largest of our sensory organs, developing at less than 8 weeks inside the womb. It develops far sooner than other sensory body parts, such as eyes and ears, meaning we are all born with a pretty highly developed sense of touch. For this reason, touch is an extremely important component of newborn care, providing huge benefits to almost all systems of the [...]

Food Allergies and How to Handle Them

2014-07-11T09:00:40-07:00July 11th, 2014|Blog|

Pediatric allergists in Phoenix and other cities throughout the country have noticed a steady rise in the number of individuals with food allergies. This is especially true in children with 1 in every 13 individuals under the age of 18 developing an allergy to common foods, such as peanuts, eggs, wheat and shellfish. In order to help parents better understand how to deal with allergies [...]

SIDS Safety

2014-07-04T09:00:47-07:00July 4th, 2014|Blog|

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among babies under a year old in the United States, with 90 percent of cases occurring in babies less than six months old. It is incredibly scary for parents as it often occurs without any kind of warning sign. Medical experts are still unsure of the exact cause of SIDS, but some commonalities have [...]