
Monthly Archives: March 2015

Common Misconceptions About Immunizations

2015-03-31T11:37:12-07:00March 31st, 2015|Blog|

School immunization is a regular part of childhood, helping prevent sick kids from getting sicker and stopping children from developing childhood diseases and illnesses in the first place. Phoenix pediatrics clinics encourage all parents who can immunize their children to do so, and school immunization is required for daycares and K-12 schools in Arizona. Even though school immunization is a regular part of life, there [...]

What to Expect During a Sports Physical Appointment

2015-03-24T11:30:17-07:00March 24th, 2015|Blog|

School sports physicals have become a routine part of student athletics, so if your child is involved with school sports or extracurricular activities that require athletic exertion, you will likely be making appointments for school sports physicals with North Phoenix pediatrics experts on a regular basis. The idea of school sports physicals can be mystifying for parents who have not booked this type of evaluation [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Sports Physicals

2015-03-17T11:26:35-07:00March 17th, 2015|Blog|

If you are the parent or guardian of a student athlete you have probably encountered school sports physicals. Some kids may grumble about them but they are an important and often necessary way to keep your child safe and healthy while participating in school sports. Health History Pediatricians in Phoenix, Arizona perform school sports physicals for students by completing a medical history and physical exam. [...]

Top Reasons Why it is Vital to Keep Your Child’s Shots Up to Date

2015-03-10T11:24:20-07:00March 10th, 2015|Blog|

Finding out that your child’s school immunization shots are out of date is not a good surprise. This shortcoming in school immunization shots poses a major risk to your child’s health and the health of other children, and can cause other problems, too. Follow the Schedule Many school immunization shots are given on a staggered schedule, meaning that Glendale pediatricians must provide several rounds of [...]

Common Misconceptions about School Shots

2015-03-03T11:18:55-07:00March 3rd, 2015|Blog|

As a parent, it’s important to have a full understanding of school immunizations if you have a student in school or are planning to enroll your child in school any time soon. Phoenix pediatrics experts can give you great advice on school immunization and what is required for your child – simply ask your Phoenix pediatrics professionals at well child check ups or other appointments. [...]