
Monthly Archives: September 2015

Best Pediatricians in North Phoenix

2015-09-29T12:05:42-07:00September 29th, 2015|Blog|

There are many different types of doctors in the North Phoenix area. Once upon a time one family physician seemed to be satisfactory for everyone in the family: the young, the old and everyone in-between. As specialties in medicine have evolved, so have medical professionals' areas of expertise. Nowadays you will be able to find doctors that can provide specialized care related to early child [...]

When Do You Need to Get a Hepatitis B Vaccine?

2015-09-22T11:55:41-07:00September 22nd, 2015|Blog|

Of the many vaccines children get in order to be protected, one is known as Hepatitis B. Doctors recommend that all children who fall into a high risk category get the vaccine. How is Hepatitis B contracted? According to the World Health Organization, there are four way by which Hepatitis B can be contracted: 1) direct blood-to-blood contact 2) unprotected sex 3) the use of [...]

What Do You Need to Get a Hepatitis A Vaccine?

2015-09-15T11:51:30-07:00September 15th, 2015|Blog|

Thanks to immunizations that have been routinely given, the incidences of contracting Hepatitis A has decreased considerably. It is, however, something to watch out for. Particularly if foreign travel is in your near future, consider making sure you have been vaccinated for Hepatitis A. What is Hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is caused by a viral infection. The virus is present in the stool of someone [...]

How to Childproof Your Pool

2015-09-08T09:29:59-07:00September 8th, 2015|Blog|

Summer and all its warm magic days are right around the corner. Who doesn't love to be outside all day long enjoying the sun and partaking in all of the activities that are just waiting for you? With so many backyard activities to look forward to, the last thing you even want to think about is any kind of an accident happening, especially where children [...]

Looking for a New Pediatrician? Tips for How to Pick One

2015-09-01T11:27:33-07:00September 1st, 2015|Blog|

Most parents choose a “child doctor”, or pediatrician, for the care of their young children. Pediatricians have specialized training in the health and specific illnesses of youngsters from birth to older teens. There are many reasons why you may be searching for a new pediatrician. This may be your first child, or you may be a newcomer to your city and state. You may have [...]