
Monthly Archives: November 2015

What to Do When Your Kids Have the Flu

2015-11-24T10:34:15-07:00November 24th, 2015|Blog|

Your child comes home from school and tells you he doesn't feel well. He is is warm to the touch, and looks tired. There may be stuffiness and a dry cough as well. It is likely that your child is suffering from the flu, a respiratory infection which affects the nose, throat and sinuses. Check them for symptoms. Flu symptoms include: sudden high fever headache [...]

Starving A Cold – Try These Remedies for Kids Instead

2015-11-17T10:30:07-07:00November 17th, 2015|Blog|

Maybe you've heard of the old saying, 'starve a cold, feed a fever' or sometimes people say it the other way around. It's an old saying, and it doesn't particularly help you or your child when you're sick with a cold. So leave it aside for some real remedies instead. You certainly don't like it one bit when your child is miserable with a cold. [...]

Infants and Colds – Prevention is the First Step

2015-11-10T10:04:20-07:00November 10th, 2015|Blog|

Treating your baby for a cold can be tricky. First of all, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it really is a cold or just some nasal stuffiness. After all, infants can’t tell you how they feel or what the problem is. Colds are a very common illness in children, and even babies tend to get their fair share. Just a little stuffiness and they [...]

How Eating Right Can Prevent the Cold and Flu in Children

2015-11-03T09:56:18-07:00November 3rd, 2015|Blog|

Once summer comes to an end, school begins and lots of activities start up again. These are busy, fun days, except for when your child gets a cold or flu. It’s frustrating to deal with sickness in children, but there are things you can do to help lessen those sick days. A great way to help fight off colds and the flu is by teaching [...]