
Monthly Archives: December 2015

Why Your Kids Need a Flu Vaccine

2015-12-22T11:09:33-07:00December 22nd, 2015|Blog|

There are many illnesses that your child will inevitably get, and one of them could be the flu. Influenza can be very dangerous in children; there are those who end up being hospitalized and even those cases which result in death. Flu seasons vary, of course, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider getting your children vaccinated against influenza. Flu is much more intense than [...]

Why RSV is More Than Just a Cold

2015-12-15T11:01:06-07:00December 15th, 2015|Blog|

RSV or respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, looks and sounds a lot like a cold, but it's not. What is the difference? When should you be concerned enough to call your North Phoenix pediatrics office? RSV is a respiratory virus which infects the lungs and breathing passages. It is highly contagious, and usually effects very young children and older adults. In children under the age of [...]

Why Are My Kids Always Sick?

2015-12-08T10:57:15-07:00December 8th, 2015|Blog|

One of the laments you often hear from young parents, is that their children always seem to be getting sick. Once the school year starts, it's one illness after another, until the warmer weather returns. Why is it that certain children seem so vulnerable to illnesses, while other children don't seem to get sick as much? Well, there are a number of factors that play [...]

When It’s Not Just Allergies

2015-12-01T10:49:18-07:00December 1st, 2015|Blog|

Having a baby can be one of life's most cherished events. There's so much excitement and activity that goes on with babies growing into little ones, that sometimes little things like colds and allergies can go unnoticed or overlooked. You know your baby better than anyone. Every little noise and reaction is something you've become very familiar with. The little stuffy noses or occasional coughing [...]