
Monthly Archives: March 2016

Why Children Should Get Flu Shot

2016-03-22T21:09:47-07:00March 22nd, 2016|Blog|

Controversies over immunizations and other vaccines have been raging for quite some time. You may read that you should get a flu shot on one day, only to find 25 reasons not to get a flu shot the next day. And what about your children? Should they get a flu shot? Here is the simple answer: Yes. Here's why. Influenza is still a big killer. [...]

Why Antibiotics Can’t Help Sore Throats

2016-03-15T21:01:46-07:00March 15th, 2016|Blog|

A sore throat can be a very painful thing to have, and your children will let you know right away if they are suffering from a sore throat. There are many reasons for sore throats, and everything from allergies to viruses and bacteria may be the culprit. Furthermore, your child may experience a sore throat as a first symptom of a cold. Your doctor will [...]

Understanding Children’s Medicine: Types, Dosage & Side Effects

2016-03-08T20:50:48-07:00March 8th, 2016|Blog|

There are so many things to think about when you have children, that gathering information about their medicines can often seem a little intimidating. Several medications may seem complicated to administer, and you may worry about any side effects they can cause. Often the best medication for your young children is bed rest, plenty of liquids, and something like Tylenol for their aches and pains. [...]

The Season’s Offenders That Strike Babies Most

2016-03-01T18:14:04-07:00March 1st, 2016|Blog|

Children born in the colder months of the year can almost immediately contract a cold or other illness. As unbelievable as it seems, even tiny babies can become sick. What should you, as a new parent, be on the lookout for? Understand that babies will come down with between six to twelve illnesses a year. From stuffy noses to colds to teething woes, it seems [...]