
Monthly Archives: May 2016

How to Stay Up to Date on Immunizations

2016-05-24T19:55:20-07:00May 24th, 2016|Blog|

Children of all ages need vaccines and should be up-to-date on all of them. It's easy enough when they're babies, and you take them in for routine checkups that include those initial immunizations. As your kids grow older it may get more confusing as to which vaccines need boosters and when immunizations are needed again. At Pediatrix, we have you covered. As soon as your [...]

Tips to Settle Kids Down Before Bed

2016-05-17T19:48:49-07:00May 17th, 2016|Blog|

Your kids keep you going all day long. Whether it's at home, school, or someplace else, their energy seems boundless. When the day is coming to a close and you want them to settle down before bedtime, often you may encounter a struggle. As early child care and development shows, children are all different. Some will sit happily watching a movie, while others can't stop [...]

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

2016-05-10T18:33:04-07:00May 10th, 2016|Blog|

You may be thinking that your kids are healthy and well-adjusted, until you start comparing them to other kids. Parents, in particular, will give you all kinds of advice about every child-related topic under the sun and leave you thoroughly confused and questioning everything you thought you knew about raising a little human being. So often, you hear all sorts of opinions about what kind [...]

Ways to Get Your Child off the Couch

2016-05-03T18:08:33-07:00May 3rd, 2016|Blog|

One of the biggest concerns that parents face with their kids is the lack of physical activity many of them are experiencing with each passing year. It's one thing to be sitting quietly in school, learning. It's another to be doing nothing else but watching TV, playing video games, and playing on a smartphone or tablet. With the onset of digital devices that go everywhere [...]