
Monthly Archives: June 2016

Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes

2016-06-28T22:00:16-07:00June 28th, 2016|Blog|

A chronic disease such as diabetes doesn't have to be the deal-killer for your child like it once was. Where once it was thought a quiet lifestyle would be the best solution for anyone with diabetes, now it's been proven that an active lifestyle and physical fitness actually represent some of the most effective strategies in preventing chronic diseases, including diabetes. Most young kids love [...]

Sudden Cardiac Death: What Parents Can Do

2016-06-21T21:45:22-07:00June 21st, 2016|Blog|

Many dangers seem to be lurking in unexpected places when you have children. From childhood diseases to accidents and even paralysis, it seems that there is always a parent going through a difficult situation. None seems as tragic as sudden cardiac death. This is a sudden death usually occurring while your teen is playing sports. It is very rare, but very real. Most teens who [...]

Get the Most Out of Your Child’s Back to School Physical

2016-06-14T21:14:06-07:00June 14th, 2016|Blog|

When your children are getting enrolled in school, the most important thing you will do for them is to get them a back to school physical. Don't wait until the last minute as time slots will fill up fast, and you want to get all their immunizations and paperwork done with time to spare. Your child's back to school physical is the perfect time to [...]

5 Back-to-School Kids’ Immune Boosting Tips that Really Work

2016-06-07T20:02:28-07:00June 7th, 2016|Blog|

You love it when your kids are healthy and happy. As a parent you will want to do everything in your power to keep your kids healthy. You probably find yourself asking what can you do to help prevent them from getting every germ and virus that is floating around out there. Children are all different. Some kids never seem to pick up anything, while [...]