
Monthly Archives: September 2017

Flu Season 2017-2018 Is Here

2018-12-12T02:02:06-07:00September 28th, 2017|Blog|

It's that time of year again: time to get inoculated against the flu. Influenza infects a portion of the population each year, and getting vaccinated is the best way to not only protect your family, but to protect vulnerable members of our population. Even if you and your kids are blessed with stellar immune systems, making sure you don't catch the flu means you don't [...]

Front-Facing Car Seat Safety: Use Tethers

2017-09-20T22:41:51-07:00September 20th, 2017|Blog|

Safe Kids Worldwide recently launched a campaign to educate parents about the use of tethers on front-facing car seats. Until your child turns two years old or exceeds the height and weight limits, he or she needs to ride in a rear-facing seat. Chances are, as expectant parents, you prepared for baby’s first ride home from the hospital by making sure you knew how to [...]

10 Tips for Healthy Participation in Fall Sports

2019-04-09T22:40:21-07:00September 13th, 2017|Blog|

We say it all the time: get some exercise! Go play outside! Fall sports give our kids a great opportunity to do just that, while developing social skills and learning values like teamwork, healthy competition, and discipline. In the spirit of raising healthy and balanced kids, preventing obesity and associated health issues, improving moods and behaviors, and having fun, we fully endorse fall sports. Of [...]

Melinda Gates Discusses Kids and Technology

2017-09-05T22:34:00-07:00September 5th, 2017|Blog|

How do Bill and Melinda Gates handle technology with their kids? If you think they were plugged into Microsoft products from infancy, you would be incorrect. Like those of us who aren't billionaire tech giants, Bill and Melinda apparently don't know any better than the rest of us how to keep their kids healthy and safe in an increasingly connected world. Nevertheless, they've discovered some [...]