
Monthly Archives: November 2019

Jaundice in Premature Infants

2019-11-21T15:15:56-07:00November 10th, 2019|Blog|

Jaundice is a common condition in infants, specifically those born prematurely. Babies born before 38 weeks of gestation are especially susceptible to jaundice. But what causes the condition and how is it treated? Here’s what you need to know about premature infant jaundice, with information that will set your mind at ease as a parent: What is Jaundice? Most of us have seen or at [...]

Infant and Children’s Oral Hygiene

2019-11-21T15:16:03-07:00November 7th, 2019|Blog|

Establishing a good oral hygiene routine for your child is important. The earlier you can do so, the better the results will be. However, many parents aren’t sure when to begin administering oral care - or when to take their child to see a dentist. Here are some tips for helping you navigate the world of providing oral care to your young children - and [...]

Developing Baby’s and Children’s Skin Immunity

2019-10-30T04:51:58-07:00November 3rd, 2019|Blog|

Your child’s skin immunity is their first line of defense against viruses and bacteria. The skin’s natural ability to protect the body against pathogens is important, especially in children who are constantly in close contact with others. What can you do to boost your child’s skin immunity? It mostly comes down to great health care and nutrition - and a little bit of expert intervention. [...]

No, You Shouldn’t Make Your Own Baby Formula

2019-10-02T11:30:30-07:00November 1st, 2019|Baby Care|

While it’s recommended by all health experts that mothers breastfeed their newborns (breastmilk is packed with incredible nutrients!), not all moms can. Some mothers, unfortunately, can’t breastfeed due to lactation failure, meaning their breastmilk supply is too low. While baby formula may not have the same nutrients as natural breastmilk, it’s still efficient enough to keep your newborn healthy. However, some moms who can’t breastfeed [...]