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So far fastadmin has created 310 blog entries.

Laws to Prevent Hot Car Deaths

2018-12-12T02:04:11-07:00August 10th, 2017|Blog|

Parent and caretaker education is our greatest tool when it comes to preventing hot car deaths, especially in Arizona. Still, two preventable deaths have occurred so far this summer. Child welfare advocates have proposed laws written to help parents avert tragedy. Here are two: HB 2494: Passed, in effect August 9th, 2017 This bill protects Good Samaritans from being sued for damaging a vehicle, if [...]

Food Safety Tips for Summer Grilling

2018-12-12T02:05:02-07:00July 25th, 2017|Blog|

Did you know foodborne illnesses increase during the summer? It's the peak of grilling season in the U.S. You might be hitting backyard pool parties around Phoenix, or you might be visiting family out-of-state. Either way, outdoor meals require you to be even more mindful of food safety. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Raw Temperature At the market, pick out meat, chicken [...]

Free Sunscreen Dispensers Improve Public Health

2018-12-12T02:05:24-07:00July 20th, 2017|Blog|

According to the CDC, fewer than 15% of men and 30% of women wear sunscreen on their exposed skin. This is bad news for preventing skin cancer and painful burns. Children are more sensitive to the sun's damaging rays, so it's especially important to practice sun safety. Because children learn by example, and because your health also matters to your children, parents need to wear [...]

Summer Road Trip Health and Safety Tips

2019-04-09T22:43:32-07:00July 12th, 2017|Blog|

Gas prices are relatively low, and many families will be hitting the road instead of booking flights for their summer vacation plans. Whether you're just driving from point A to point B or making a vacation out of the journey itself, keep these safety tips in mind. Driver Distraction Navigating unfamiliar roads has only become easier as GPS apps become more accurate and more widely [...]

Why You Should Keep Regular Bedtimes, Even During Summer

2018-12-12T02:03:18-07:00July 5th, 2017|Blog|

Summer creates a break from routine. It's not unusual for kids to sleep in and stay up late compared to the school year. Unless you have to wake your kids up for childcare before you go to work, it might not seem important to keep a regular bedtime. However, for young children and any child experiencing rapid growth, irregular sleep can adversely affect mood and [...]

Backyard Kiddie Pool Safety

2018-09-18T11:39:52-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Blog|

If your little one loves bath time, he or she will love splashing around in the giant tub we call a kiddie pool. With these simple tips, your baby can play safe and cool off in a plastic or inflatable kiddie pool well into toddlerhood. 1. Protect babies from the sun with age-appropriate, high SPF sunscreen, a hat, and a swim shirt. You could also place the [...]

Playing Outside in Phoenix During Summer

2019-04-09T22:45:09-07:00June 21st, 2017|Blog|

Technology, hot weather, and busy families all make it difficult for kids to simply play outside during summer break in Phoenix. Whether you have a backyard pool or visit a community pool, swimming time is limited by your ability to supervise the pool area. You want to avoid heat-related illnesses, and you might have summer camp and vacation plans. Add that to the lure of [...]

Escape the Heat This Summer in Phoenix: Indoor Edition

2019-04-09T22:45:56-07:00June 14th, 2017|Blog|

Keeping your kids active during the summer in Phoenix can be challenging. You want them to play outside, but you don't want them to suffer the effects of extreme heat. Thankfully, the Phoenix metro area has no shortage of indoor options for those of us who don't have a pool, or who simply want to escape into some air conditioning. Here are just some ideas: [...]

How to Prevent the Summer Slide

2017-06-07T11:44:36-07:00June 7th, 2017|Blog|

Summer learning loss results in students forgetting weeks to months of reading and math curricula. Teachers spend weeks making up for the summer slide by reviewing material, instead of progressing to build on grade level knowledge. Some school districts throughout the country have done away with summer break altogether in order to improve academic retention. However, old habits die hard. Summer vacation arose from the [...]

Should My Baby Take Swimming Lessons?

2018-09-18T11:39:25-07:00May 31st, 2017|Blog|

As summer begins, you might receive mixed messages about introducing very young children to the pool. Our job is to educate you and your children on the medical community's findings. We support you keeping your child safe and healthy. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against formal swimming lessons until after a child turns four years old. This is because children younger than four years of age have [...]