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So far fastadmin has created 310 blog entries.

No-Nit Policies Discontinued At Schools

2017-02-24T10:53:48-07:00February 24th, 2017|Blog|

Inside of a closed school building, lice can travel from student to student like wildfire. Whether from sharing a hat or hugging a friend, lice becomes a serious schoolwide problem in a very short period of time. With regular lice inspections, children with head lice are removed from school and sent home. No-nit policies dictate when a child is allowed to return. What is a [...]

Tips for Managing Screen Time

2017-02-17T10:43:44-07:00February 17th, 2017|Blog|

Tablets, televisions, computers and smartphones are an easy entertainment device for children. However, extended exposure to these devices can cause an assortment of health problems in children, ranging from unhealthy weight due to a lack of physical activity to diminished attention spans due to the constant flashing and bright colors of the screens. In order to avoid these issues and to make sure you raise [...]

How To Help Kids Fight Bullying

2018-09-18T11:45:57-07:00February 10th, 2017|Blog|

In the perfect world your child would never be bullied; in fact, no one would. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the perfect world and bullying may be an issue. One of the biggest problems with bullying is that it can be hard to detect. A common indicator can be a change in mood or mood swings. Another is avoidance. If your child has always wanted [...]

How Much Sleep Should Kids Get?

2018-09-18T11:43:16-07:00February 3rd, 2017|Blog|

You probably remember most of the excuses your gave your own parents about bedtime. From the famous, “I need a drink” to “One more story, please” to the minimalistic, but classic “I’m not tired,” kids have been manipulating and avoiding bedtime since the first cave child wanted to stay up to play with his baby mammoth. But the fact is, the proper amount of sleep [...]

How To Feed Your Picky Eater Nutritious Foods

2017-01-27T09:10:25-07:00January 27th, 2017|Blog|

Eating nutritious food is incredibly important for staying healthy, but try explaining that to children who only want to eat what’s tasty! Here are some tips to get your children on a nutritious diet: Lead by Example Become a good role model for your children by making healthy foods a part of your own diet. Your kids won’t take you seriously if you bring healthy [...]

Got Lice? Don’t Panic

2017-01-20T15:28:55-07:00January 20th, 2017|Blog|

Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that feed on blood drawn from the scalp and result in plenty of annoying itchiness. Though they don’t spread disease, they are creepy little things and it’s hard not to freak out when you find them. If you freak out, so will your kids. So, take a deep breath and try this instead: Confirm the Diagnosis Before launching into [...]

Child Hospitalized? Here Are Some Tips

2017-01-13T15:21:02-07:00January 13th, 2017|Blog|

Few experiences equal the agony of watching your child be hospitalized. If this happens to your family, these tips can help you and your child spend the most comfortable and productive healing time at the hospital: Provide Full Information Remember that you know more about your child’s history and state of health than anyone else. You must be sure to share all the information with [...]

The Rise Of Childhood Obesity is alarming

2017-01-06T14:32:46-07:00January 6th, 2017|Blog|

We don’t want to scare you. On the other hand, maybe we do. The statistics for childhood obesity are more than alarming. In January of this year, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released the latest numbers for children. Here’s what they say: “The percentage of children with obesity in the United States has more than tripled since the 1970s. Today, about one in five [...]

Should You Use Antibacterial Cleaning Products?

2016-12-23T15:08:56-07:00December 23rd, 2016|Blog|

Antibiotics have grown in popularity since their inception as a way to ward off diseases, and the logic behind their use seems simple enough. However, a new book argues that an over dependence on antibiotics can have the opposite effect of leaving children even more vulnerable to illness. Good vs. Bad Bacteria Antibacterial product marketing always focuses on showing bacteria that is responsible for a [...]

Baby Rashes 101

2016-12-16T14:53:45-07:00December 16th, 2016|Blog|

Different types of rashes Baby's skin is the most sensitive. Soap, detergent, lotions and other conditions can all cause a rash on your baby. Newborns are especially prone to rashes. A few of the most common rashes you might see are: Pink Pimples, also called Neonatal Acne, is thought to be caused by exposure to hormones from the mother in the womb during pregnancy. No [...]