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So far fastadmin has created 310 blog entries.

What to Do When Your Kids Have the Flu

2015-11-24T10:34:15-07:00November 24th, 2015|Blog|

Your child comes home from school and tells you he doesn't feel well. He is is warm to the touch, and looks tired. There may be stuffiness and a dry cough as well. It is likely that your child is suffering from the flu, a respiratory infection which affects the nose, throat and sinuses. Check them for symptoms. Flu symptoms include: sudden high fever headache [...]

Starving A Cold – Try These Remedies for Kids Instead

2015-11-17T10:30:07-07:00November 17th, 2015|Blog|

Maybe you've heard of the old saying, 'starve a cold, feed a fever' or sometimes people say it the other way around. It's an old saying, and it doesn't particularly help you or your child when you're sick with a cold. So leave it aside for some real remedies instead. You certainly don't like it one bit when your child is miserable with a cold. [...]

Infants and Colds – Prevention is the First Step

2015-11-10T10:04:20-07:00November 10th, 2015|Blog|

Treating your baby for a cold can be tricky. First of all, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it really is a cold or just some nasal stuffiness. After all, infants can’t tell you how they feel or what the problem is. Colds are a very common illness in children, and even babies tend to get their fair share. Just a little stuffiness and they [...]

How Eating Right Can Prevent the Cold and Flu in Children

2015-11-03T09:56:18-07:00November 3rd, 2015|Blog|

Once summer comes to an end, school begins and lots of activities start up again. These are busy, fun days, except for when your child gets a cold or flu. It’s frustrating to deal with sickness in children, but there are things you can do to help lessen those sick days. A great way to help fight off colds and the flu is by teaching [...]

Feed the Flu and Other Treatment Options for Kids

2015-10-27T09:51:52-07:00October 27th, 2015|Blog|

Fall and winter may seem like such fun months for children. They love getting outdoors to play in the snow with sleds and snowmen and everything else that goes with it. It isn't so much fun when they get colds or the flu. Colds and flu are very common in the colder months, and chances are your child will come down with one or both [...]

Does my Child Have The Flu or a Cold?

2015-10-20T08:42:50-07:00October 20th, 2015|Blog|

Colds and influenza share many of the same symptoms, so how do you figure out exactly what is ailing your child? Usually with the flu, your child will be much sicker than they would be with just the average cold. Learn to recognize cold and flu symptoms in children, and treatments for each. Is It a Cold? A cold is a viral infection that affects [...]

Cold Season is Here and So Are We – Pediatrix

2015-10-13T08:27:42-07:00October 13th, 2015|Blog|

If there is one thing everyone has experienced it is the common cold. You know that the minute colder weather hits, here come all of the colds. It's just a fact of life, but there are ways to give your children the best care when they come down with a cold. You may be wondering how to choose a family doctor. Now that cooler weather [...]

Best Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu during the Sick Season

2015-10-06T08:17:17-07:00October 6th, 2015|Blog|

No one likes being sick. That queasy feeling, the tiredness, the runny nose, and endless coughing. We all know how miserable we feel when we're sick; when our kids get sick we’d like for them to be feeling better almost instantly. There are tips and tricks for staying healthy during those months in fall and winter when everyone else around us seem to be getting [...]

Best Pediatricians in North Phoenix

2015-09-29T12:05:42-07:00September 29th, 2015|Blog|

There are many different types of doctors in the North Phoenix area. Once upon a time one family physician seemed to be satisfactory for everyone in the family: the young, the old and everyone in-between. As specialties in medicine have evolved, so have medical professionals' areas of expertise. Nowadays you will be able to find doctors that can provide specialized care related to early child [...]

When Do You Need to Get a Hepatitis B Vaccine?

2015-09-22T11:55:41-07:00September 22nd, 2015|Blog|

Of the many vaccines children get in order to be protected, one is known as Hepatitis B. Doctors recommend that all children who fall into a high risk category get the vaccine. How is Hepatitis B contracted? According to the World Health Organization, there are four way by which Hepatitis B can be contracted: 1) direct blood-to-blood contact 2) unprotected sex 3) the use of [...]