Adding a newborn baby to your family is truly a blessing. Of course, you want your little one to be as happy and healthy as possible. However, not all babies are born with a full bill of health, and there may be specific illnesses you should look out for. Here are some common illnesses your newborn care physicians want you to be on alert for.


Does your baby have a yellowish discoloration of their eyes or skin? If so, they’re most likely suffering from jaundice. According to our experts, if your baby was born before 38 weeks of gestation, they are highly susceptible to developing jaundice. A buildup of bilirubin in the blood is the culprit. This is a waste product from red blood cell breakdown. However, it’s usually eliminated by the liver. Jaundice usually isn’t life-threatening and can often resolve on its own within a couple of weeks or less. If the doctor suspects the case is severe, they may use blood transfusions or special lights to treat your baby as a way to prevent brain damage from occurring.


It’s normal for any baby to cry. After all, that’s how they communicate with the world until they eventually learn how to form words. However, what if your baby is excessively and inconsolably crying despite not being sick? You may have a baby that has developed colic. Since there isn’t one particular cause of colic, it can be a difficult condition to cure, but newborn care physicians can work with you to ensure your baby overcomes this problem as quickly as possible.

Congenital Heart Defects

The last thing any parent wants is for newborn care physicians to say their newborn has a heart condition. However, your child may be born with a problem in their overall heart structure. When this happens, it’s diagnosed as a congenital heart defect or CHD. Some children may not exhibit outward symptoms, whereas others may need surgery and other interventions. Signs to look out for include pale or blue skin color, troubled breathing, or poor growth development in the baby. Fortunately, not all CHD diagnoses are life-threatening.

Our team of newborn care physicians at Pediarix can provide the medical services you need to ensure the health of your baby. If you live in the Phoenix, AZ area, visit our clinic today for immunizations, checkups, and other newborn care needs.

Posted 2/27/24