As the mercury drops, viruses tend to make the rounds through homes and childcare facilities each year. If you have young children, you know exactly what this means. It’s not only the stuffy nose time of year, but ear infections, sore throats, colds, and flu are all on the horizon.

What can you do for a little one who wakes you up in the middle of the night with a fever? You don’t always have to run for the medication bottle; there are other ways to reduce fever in toddlers and babies. Keep in mind that a fever is the body’s defense against infection, and that is not always a bad thing. A child doctor visit in Anthem AZ may be warranted but here are a few ways to try to reduce a fever in toddler as well as older children:

Take Action and Reduce Fever

1.Don’t overdress them. Keep layers of clothing light, because your little one’s body needs to cool down. Don’t bundle them up thinking this will make them feel better. It will only add to overheating, and your child feeling extra uncomfortable.
2.Give them a lukewarm bath. Never use cold water. Just-warm water will help to evaporate on their skin and help in bringing a temperature down. Don’t let your baby or toddler start shivering either. Keep them comfortable in the bathtub.
3.Give them liquids. Sometimes your toddlers and babies won’t drink. Try giving them ice cube chips to suck on. Any liquid you can get them to take will reduce dehydration. This, too, will help to cool them down. You might offer some frozen treats too. Sometimes, little ones will be inclined to take a treat, even if they’re not feeling so good.
4.Another way to reduce fever in toddlers is with cold compresses. Applying a cool washcloth to their foreheads, wrists, or anyplace where blood vessels are close to the skin will help with cooling.
5.You can use fever-reducing medication. Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, can be given to babies and toddlers to reduce fevers. The dosage amounts will be listed on the label. Never give aspirin to young children.

Remember, some children run higher fevers than others. It’s just the way it is. There are real cold remedies for kids that you can use and will be very helpful in reducing fever in toddlers and younger children.

If you are concerned about a fever in your child, seek a doctor visit in Anthem, AZ today. It will put your mind at ease.