As winter approaches, pediatricians in Phoenix notice a sharp rise in the number of flu cases.  Flu is highly contagious; only a brief moment of contact with an infected individual can transmit the flu virus. Because the illness is so contagious, it can easily spread rapidly, moving through a geographical area or even causing worldwide pandemics.

Flu is spread among people in close quarters, typically within six feet of one another. This makes individuals such as children in classrooms more susceptible to the virus. Flu virus spreads through droplets deposited in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.  It can also spread when a person touches his/her mouth or nose after coming into contact with an object, such as a door handle, infected with the virus.

Influenza is much more dangerous to children than the common cold. On average, 20,000 children under the age of 5 are hospitalized due to health complications from the flu. If your child exhibits any of the following flulike symptoms, visit with pediatricians at Pediatrix immediately.

  • Fever up to 104°F
  • Chills or Shaking
  • Fatigue
  • Aching
  • Dry Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Pain

Taking children to your pediatrician at Pediatrix for a flu shot now will decrease their chances of catching dangerous flu viruses come winter. Remember, flu is very easily spread and your child can easily catch it while at school or daycare.

There are three types of influenza viruses: Type A, Type B and Type C. Types A and B cause yearly flu epidemics, while type C viruses cause more mild illnesses. While vaccines can protect your child from type A and B, there is no immunization available for a type C flu virus.

If your child catches a mild strain of flu, the following are some remedies to soothe symptoms:

  • Ample rest, so the body can focus on repairing and healing
  • Plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration caused by fever
  • Children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower fever and ease aches and pains
  • Saltwater nose drops to slow runny noses
  • Humidifier or steamy shower for stuffy noses and coughs

Be prepared this flu season by vaccinating your child at Pediatrix. Also, learn about the symptoms to look for in regards to flu and any dangerous complications it may cause. At Pediatrix, our number one priority is making sure that your child is provided with the best health care and information possible. As always, if you have any questions regarding this upcoming cold and flu season, visit with our qualified, caring pediatricians in Phoenix. Please call (602) 866-0550 or contact us online to learn more about the services provided by our pediatricians in Phoenix.




Subir K. Mitra, MD, FAAP