Oh, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! There is nothing like spending all day outdoors, sunning and barbecuing, and of course swimming in the pool.
So, here’s our question to you; just how safe is your pool? Being a pool owner means you have certain responsibilities, not just for yourself but for anyone who uses your pool. Take a few minutes and read through all of the pool safety tips here to ensure a summer filled with fun.
Prevent Accidents before they happen.
Here’s how:
- Is your yard fenced in? Kids climb up, over and through the darnedest places. You’ve watched them learn to crawl, walk and run; so you know how adept they are at getting into just about anything.
- Do you have locks on all the fence gates? Every entrance needs to be secured. And kept that way at all times. Even if it means a little inconvenience for you.
- Do you have a reliable, well-fitted pool cover? There are many styles and price options to choose from.
- Does someone in your family know CPR and basic first aid? Make sure you refresh these skills every year or so!
A Few Pool Safety Tips for Kids:
- Teach your child to swim. This should be Rule #1. It’s never too early to teach them, either. Kids love water, and babies can even loearn to float on their backs before they learn to walk.
- Institute rules for the pool. You’ve heard of “rules of the road” for when you drive. Well, then there are specific pool rules, too. To be enforced by everyone at all times. Things like “no diving”, “no running on the pool decks”, “no friends over without permission.”
- With babies, toddlers, and younger kids, an adult must be with them and at arm’s reach in the pool, AT ALL TIMES. No exceptions.
- For older children, no cellphones or other digital distractions. There should be a limit to their socializing, and definitely no alcohol. EVER!
Sometimes, rules may seem overbearing, but remember this; it’s your house and your property and it’s up to you to protect it at all times. Anyone who comes there should know just how serious you are about pool safety for kids.
Having a list of rules and pool safety tips is just what you do as a concerned parent. Everyone in the family needs to know and be familiar with all of the pool rules, too. It’s the only way to guarantee a summer of pool fun!