While you may not be prepared for the all-nighters, you should at least be ready for your child’s first medical visit. In this article, we will look at some of the questions you may have about your baby’s first check-up.

1. When is the First Doctor’s Appointment for a Newborn Baby?

Soon after birth, your baby will have their first appointment with a newborn care physician in the hospital. The doctor will physically examine the infant’s overall health, assess their reflexes, and offer advice if there are any weight or feeding-related problems.

However, your baby’s first medical visit, often known as a well-baby or well-child check-up, will typically be done at your chosen clinic three to five days following delivery. In some circumstances, your newborn care physician may ask to see the baby more frequently in the first few days. For example, they may prescribe daily check-ups if your newborn is at risk of or exhibits jaundice. According to the Mayo Clinic, babies born before the ideal 38 weeks of gestation are more prone to jaundice.

2. Why is the Initial Check-up for a Newborn Conducted so Soon after Birth?

A baby’s health is particularly important and delicate during the first few days of life. They are new to the world and are learning how to eat, sleep, and adapt to these odd new surroundings. The newborn care physician will want to keep tabs on the baby and also be available to you if you have any questions or concerns.

3. Who Should You Bring Along?

Consider bringing your partner (or another primary caregiver) along during your baby’s first physician visit. This way, you both can be on the same page. It is normal to feel anxious but remember that the doctor is a trained professional and is there to address any concerns that you may have.

4. How To Prepare for the First Visit

Cover your infant with a soft blanket or clothing that is easy to undress, because the doctor will inspect your infant’s entire body. Remember to bring extra clothes, feeding supplies, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, and other baby necessities.

Your newborn’s health is quite delicate in the first few days. As such, their first appointment is very important. Get in touch with a newborn care physician from Pediatrix today!