A fun day in the water is great for the whole family, but there are dangers associated with water, too. Phoenix pediatrics experts encourage water safety education for children and families, helping put a stop to preventable tragedies.
Water safety education is something children of any age can and should receive. Getting children water safety education can happen at an early age, but if you have an older child, it is equally important – you may think your child already has picked up on water safety education but there is nothing wrong with reinforcing the rules.
Water Safety Education for Young Children
Young kids often have more dangerous encounters with water than their older counterparts, according to Phoenix pediatrics experts. This is because little children can drown in very small amounts of water. It is important to give your young children proper water safety education because of this – you will want to take every step possible to keep your little kids safe!
Teach young children to stay away from water unless they are with a responsible adult who can provide supervision. This includes kiddie pools, ponds, or other places that might not seem like an immediate risk. Toddlers and other young children should understand that water is off-limits without a parent or other adult who is with them and actively supervising.
Water Safety Education for Pools
Phoenix pediatrics clinics see many preventable injuries due to pools and incomplete water safety education in this area. Teach your kids to be cautious around pools, never using one without adult supervision, and moving carefully when near an open pool.
Part of water safety education is teaching children not to dive unless they have adequate skills and the water in a pool is deep enough that there is no risk of head injury.
Providing Water Safety Education in a Fun Way
Kids may not respond well to a lecture on water safety, but you can provide water safety education in a manner that is entertaining and interesting. Look for books about what to do around water, or appropriate TV and movie clips. It will get the message across, while still being interesting.
Water safety education is something every parent should teach on an ongoing basis. Talk to the staff at your Phoenix pediatrics clinic about how your family can stay safe around water.