Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Common Childhood Illnesses and How To Pick the Best Pediatrician
Children have weak immune systems until they are at the age of 7-8 years. This is because their immune system is usually not very well-developed until they hit this age. Therefore, they require impeccable healthcare. As a parent, you need [...]
What Pediatric Physicians Check For In Infants
With a new child in the family, there are plenty of worries many parents have. One of the most common concerns of new parents is if their child is healthy and developing as expected. Luckily, pediatric physicians have a few [...]
5 Essential Tips to Keep in Mind When Looking for a Pediatrician
If you’re a parent, guardian, or caregiver, your child’s health is the most important thing to you. Looking after a child can be nerve-wracking, especially because every aspect of their livelihood and survival is dependent on you. You must ensure [...]
What Pregnant Women Should Know About Meeting With Their Future Pediatrician
You have just embarked on your path to parenthood, and while it is extremely exciting, this road also comes with many new responsibilities. And selecting your child’s pediatrician is a huge one. If you are currently pregnant, or are a [...]
Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Visit a Pediatrician
As a young mother, you are always conflicted about whether to visit a pediatrician or a family doctor for the health needs of your child. However, it is important to consider choosing the services of a pediatrician because these professionals [...]
Common Cold in Kids: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The common cold is one of the top reasons why kids pay a visit to a doctor. If your little tyke is showing all the symptoms, here’s what you need to know. Common Causes of a Cold Rhinoviruses in the [...]
Does Your Child Suffer from Allergies?
For first-time parents, pediatric allergy testing seems scary. If your doctor recommends one for your child, though, knowing the possible reasons for that will help calm your fears and reduce your worries. Symptoms to Look for If any of the [...]