Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
H1N1 and Fever Reducers
Last year’s flu season was historic in its severity partially because of the subtypes of flu that were circulating and partly because last year’s vaccine was only 40% effective. The lack of effectiveness did not come close to the failures [...]
Drug-Free, Alternative Treatments for Allergies that Work!
When your child is suffering from allergies, it can be difficult to find solutions that don’t involve the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. When you’re searching for answers to helping your child cope with either season, dietary, or other [...]
An Inside Look at the Real Causes of Toddler Constipation
Constipation is defined as having three or fewer bowel movements per week, and while some children might pass stool every day, others can go days at a time with no ill effects. However, there comes a time when the symptoms [...]
Why Your Toddler Needs a Flu Shot
It’s flu season, meaning you’re probably surrounded by the following: coughing, runny noses, sore throats, etc. Flus are more than just irritating, however. They can sometimes be deadly. In 2018, Arizona recorded a whopping 523 flu-related deaths. Who’s most at [...]
Dairy Allergies and Chronic Ear Infections
If your child is allergic to dairy and keeps consuming foods with high dairy content, they could end up with other health problems like ear infections. If you think your child has an ear infection, the best thing you can [...]
Safe and Natural Toddler Constipation Remedies
If your child has painful bowel movements, then they may have constipation. Here’s what you need to know about constipation and your child. Constipation Symptoms Does the baby have pain in their stomach? Are they bloated? Is there bleeding with [...]
Treating Fever in Children Safely
While it may not always be medically necessary to bring a fever down, your child may be very uncomfortable until you do so. Here’s what measures you can take to safely bring down a fever. Relax Not every fever is [...]