Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Responding to Report Cards
It's just about midterm season for high school and college students. Younger children are likely receiving report cards or progress reports. For some students, grades can produce anxiety. Here's how you can help as a parent. Straight A Students Your [...]
School Drop Off and Pick Up Line Safety
Every school has different rules and procedures for student drop off and pick up. The most important thing is to get in and out safely. Between younger children not being aware of their surroundings, teenagers getting distracted by their phones, [...]
Flu Season 2017-2018 Is Here
It's that time of year again: time to get inoculated against the flu. Influenza infects a portion of the population each year, and getting vaccinated is the best way to not only protect your family, but to protect vulnerable members [...]
Front-Facing Car Seat Safety: Use Tethers
Safe Kids Worldwide recently launched a campaign to educate parents about the use of tethers on front-facing car seats. Until your child turns two years old or exceeds the height and weight limits, he or she needs to ride in [...]
10 Tips for Healthy Participation in Fall Sports
We say it all the time: get some exercise! Go play outside! Fall sports give our kids a great opportunity to do just that, while developing social skills and learning values like teamwork, healthy competition, and discipline. In the spirit [...]
Melinda Gates Discusses Kids and Technology
How do Bill and Melinda Gates handle technology with their kids? If you think they were plugged into Microsoft products from infancy, you would be incorrect. Like those of us who aren't billionaire tech giants, Bill and Melinda apparently don't [...]
Start the School Year Healthy
How do you start the school year healthy? Well-rested and Well-fed It helps to start establishing routines before the first day of classes, such as adhering to a regular sleep schedule and eating a healthy breakfast daily. The fewer changes [...]