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Medical Record Requests
Back to School Breakfast Tips
During the morning rush, it can be easy to forget the most important meal of the day. However, breakfast is a really important part of your daily routine. Eating Breakfast Improves Academic Performance Research shows that eating breakfast every day [...]
Backpack Safety 101
As kids go back to school, it's time for a review of backpack safety. Heavy or improperly worn backpacks can cause pain and injury. What Type of School Bag is Safest? The best backpack distributes weight evenly, comes with wide, [...]
Laws to Prevent Hot Car Deaths
Parent and caretaker education is our greatest tool when it comes to preventing hot car deaths, especially in Arizona. Still, two preventable deaths have occurred so far this summer. Child welfare advocates have proposed laws written to help parents avert [...]
Food Safety Tips for Summer Grilling
Did you know foodborne illnesses increase during the summer? It's the peak of grilling season in the U.S. You might be hitting backyard pool parties around Phoenix, or you might be visiting family out-of-state. Either way, outdoor meals require you [...]
Free Sunscreen Dispensers Improve Public Health
According to the CDC, fewer than 15% of men and 30% of women wear sunscreen on their exposed skin. This is bad news for preventing skin cancer and painful burns. Children are more sensitive to the sun's damaging rays, so [...]
Summer Road Trip Health and Safety Tips
Gas prices are relatively low, and many families will be hitting the road instead of booking flights for their summer vacation plans. Whether you're just driving from point A to point B or making a vacation out of the journey [...]
Why You Should Keep Regular Bedtimes, Even During Summer
Summer creates a break from routine. It's not unusual for kids to sleep in and stay up late compared to the school year. Unless you have to wake your kids up for childcare before you go to work, it might [...]