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Medical Record Requests
What to Do if Kids Are Trapped In a Hot Car
By now, you've seen it on the news: Don't ever leave your kids (or pets) in a hot car. Children are more vulnerable to heatstroke, a deadly condition that occurs when the body becomes too hot to cool itself off [...]
Pool Safety 101
Okay parents, grandparents and guardians, prepare yourself for some truth. We know you're already worried about a million risks to your child, so we'll make this quick: In the U.S., drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children [...]
Avoiding Heatstroke in Arizona
Temperatures are already climbing as summer approaches Phoenix, and even winter days can bring intense heat. Whether you’re visiting a water park in Phoenix or escaping the heat on vacation, it’s time to be extra mindful of heat stroke. Signs [...]
Sun Safety for Kids
The warmth of the sun feels good and its mere presence can brighten our mood as well as our day. It provides our bodies with Vitamin D, something we are typically lacking. But the sun can also cause sunburn and [...]
The Latest Crib Safety and Infant Sleep Guidelines
Better Crib Construction On June 28, 2011, new legislation, HR 5386, went into effect, making it illegal to sell cribs with sides that drop down. This includes secondhand stores and yard sales. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s mandate for cribs [...]
Antibiotic Resistance: What You Need to Know
In 2009, nine-year-old Brock Wade spent a month in the hospital trying to recover from a simple leg scrape. A year prior, a patient came dangerously close to death after a routine biopsy. In 2017, a U.S. woman died from [...]
Do Amber Teething Necklaces Work?
When babies start teething, everyone feels it. All you want to do is soothe their aching gums and quiet their cries so you both can get some sleep. If you are thinking about trying something new, like an amber necklace, [...]