Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Psych Medicine and Kids: What Parents Need to Know
Statistics show that 1 in 10 of American children may have some kind of emotional disturbance that can make their home and school life difficult. As a parent you may be wondering if psych meds are the best option for [...]
No-Nit Policies Discontinued At Schools
Inside of a closed school building, lice can travel from student to student like wildfire. Whether from sharing a hat or hugging a friend, lice becomes a serious schoolwide problem in a very short period of time. With regular lice [...]
Tips for Managing Screen Time
Tablets, televisions, computers and smartphones are an easy entertainment device for children. However, extended exposure to these devices can cause an assortment of health problems in children, ranging from unhealthy weight due to a lack of physical activity to diminished [...]
How To Help Kids Fight Bullying
In the perfect world your child would never be bullied; in fact, no one would. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the perfect world and bullying may be an issue. One of the biggest problems with bullying is that it can [...]
How Much Sleep Should Kids Get?
You probably remember most of the excuses your gave your own parents about bedtime. From the famous, “I need a drink” to “One more story, please” to the minimalistic, but classic “I’m not tired,” kids have been manipulating and avoiding [...]
How To Feed Your Picky Eater Nutritious Foods
Eating nutritious food is incredibly important for staying healthy, but try explaining that to children who only want to eat what’s tasty! Here are some tips to get your children on a nutritious diet: Lead by Example Become a good [...]
Got Lice? Don’t Panic
Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that feed on blood drawn from the scalp and result in plenty of annoying itchiness. Though they don’t spread disease, they are creepy little things and it’s hard not to freak out when you [...]