Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
When to Call Your Pediatrician for Childhood Illnesses
As a parent, it’s very important that you know how to handle common childhood illnesses and when to call your pediatrician. Some illnesses can be handled with remedies at home, but some require the intervention of a doctor. Younger children [...]
4 Physician-Approved Tips to Help Your Child Avoid Catching the Flu
When flu season hits, no parent wants to deal with a miserable, sick child at home for weeks. According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, on average, every year, 20 thousand children under the age of five are hospitalized [...]
Overcoming Your Child’s Fear of the Doctor
One of your main goals as a parent is to keep your child healthy. That means you need to take them to the pediatrician. But what if your child is terrified of going to the doctor? They could start screaming [...]
Newborn Illnesses to Look Out For
Adding a newborn baby to your family is truly a blessing. Of course, you want your little one to be as happy and healthy as possible. However, not all babies are born with a full bill of health, and there [...]
Does your doctor really listen to you? (with Dr. Mitra) – Bonded Voices Podcast Episode 30
"Bonded Voices" recently featured Dr. Mitra as a guest, discussing the importance of effective communication between doctors and patients. Watch the video!
3 Myths About Cold and Flu Season
It's that time of year again. The temperatures drop, the leaves fall, and everyone starts sniffling. Cold and flu season has arrived. As you prepare to battle the inevitable bugs this year, it's time to debunk some popular myths about [...]
How to Teach Your Child Proper Hygiene and Health Safety
It's important to establish good hygiene and healthy habits in your child from an early age. According to National Geographic, every day, the average person encounters thousands of different germs, including children. As a parent, you play a pivotal role [...]