Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
5 Ways to Prevent Childhood Injury and Illness
Childproofing You probably childproof your house and constantly worry that you forgot about some deathtrap. Relax! If you’re worrying, you’re probably on top of things. A quick checklist of potential hazards: electrical outlets hazardous household materials, such as cleaning agents [...]
Immunizations for Teenagers and Young Adults
Proper immunizations for teenagers and young adults is important. As your child grows up, they will come in contact with more people from different walks of life. While this is an excellent opportunity, it also exposes your child to different [...]
Fostering healthy habits while your child is still young
Fostering healthy habits while your child is still young Most of our physical and mental health attributes have a deep rooting on our childhood. The food we eat, the medical attention we get and the general care we receive defines [...]
How to steer clear of staff infection on sports teams
Keeping your kids safe is a full- time job. It’s easy to protect them from obscene content on television, but it’s difficult to protect them from themselves, when they are out of your sight. Athletes suffer from foot fungus, athlete’s [...]
Well baby check milestones
With the birth of a new baby, comes new responsibilities, sleepless nights and dozens of doctor visits. You can lighten your load, and save yourself a few crying moments, by taking your child to the pediatrician at the appointed time. [...]
The difference between a healthy fever and a dangerous one
All fevers are not bad fevers; in fact, a normal temperature for your baby is 97.1 to 100 Fahrenheit. A fever is an indicator that something is wrong, your child is coming down with a bug, is teething or something [...]
7 Fun and Free Outdoor Activities for Kids
Here in Phoenix, we enjoy beautiful weather year round. While this can be extremely beneficial for encouraging kids to play outdoors and soak up the sunshine, sometimes it can be difficult to come up with fun activities that will entertain [...]