Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Appropriate exercise for school aged kids
The increase in obesity pandemic among children aged 6-18 has reached to a whopping 16 percent in the United States. Apart from the unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and activity is one of the major reasons for weight gain and [...]
Sunscreen myths debunked
Childhood is an important growth phase during which extreme exposure to the UV radiation on the skin without any protection can result in skin disorders and cancer later in life. Kids need complete sun protection whenever they are outdoors, especially [...]
When to get back to school immunizations
It’s time to get back to school so gather up the school supplies and keep those backpacks packed for another exciting year of learning. Before school starts, make sure your child is up-to-date on the vaccines. Most schools require students [...]
How to make sure your kids stay hydrated during the summer
Summer is always the best time for outdoor activities especially for children. They can play for long hours not realizing they are drenched in sweat and getting dehydrated. The problem arises when the fluids leaving the child’s body through sweating [...]
Pool Safety tips for Water Safety All Summer Long
Summer is at its peak and the start of summer vacation means plenty of time in the pool. While swimming is one of the best exercises to keep your children healthy, busy and active on hot days, safety is a [...]
Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes
A chronic disease such as diabetes doesn't have to be the deal-killer for your child like it once was. Where once it was thought a quiet lifestyle would be the best solution for anyone with diabetes, now it's been proven [...]
Sudden Cardiac Death: What Parents Can Do
Many dangers seem to be lurking in unexpected places when you have children. From childhood diseases to accidents and even paralysis, it seems that there is always a parent going through a difficult situation. None seems as tragic as sudden [...]