Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Why Antibiotics Can’t Help Sore Throats
A sore throat can be a very painful thing to have, and your children will let you know right away if they are suffering from a sore throat. There are many reasons for sore throats, and everything from allergies to [...]
Understanding Children’s Medicine: Types, Dosage & Side Effects
There are so many things to think about when you have children, that gathering information about their medicines can often seem a little intimidating. Several medications may seem complicated to administer, and you may worry about any side effects they [...]
The Season’s Offenders That Strike Babies Most
Children born in the colder months of the year can almost immediately contract a cold or other illness. As unbelievable as it seems, even tiny babies can become sick. What should you, as a new parent, be on the lookout [...]
Natural Cold Remedies for Kids
Children seem to go from playing cheerfully to suddenly not feeling well. Perhaps they complain of an upset stomach or start sneezing all day long. Before you know it their little noses are all stuffed up, and you know they [...]
Home Remedies to Keep Your Child Comfortable During a Fever
Often when children get sick and run a fever, you want to know how to alleviate that right away. Actually, unless a fever is unusually high, they don't need to be alleviated. In fact, fever is the body's natural defense [...]
Flu vs Cold: Symptoms in Children
You just received a call from the school, and they are sending your child home because of a runny nose and a fever. You may be asking yourself: is it just a cold or is it flu? Should you call [...]
Fun & Playful Ways To Quarantine Your Child During The Contagious Period
You know it will happen sooner or later. One of your kids gets sick and you don't want the others to come down with it. Whether it is a cold, flu, or something else, the last thing you need is [...]