Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Immunization Schedules for Children
Once your child is born you will be making monthly visits to your pediatrician for their well-being. The doctor will be checking for growth and motor development, making sure that they are on track with childhood development. It may come [...]
What to Look For in a New Doctor
Once in a while, you have to look for a new doctor in Phoenix, AZ. Without knowing much about any particular doctor, your search can often be a frustrating one. Perhaps you're new to the area, or your former physician [...]
The Best Pediatricians in Phoenix, AZ
When you are looking for a new pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ, often it can be a confusing time. Who should you choose? How do you know if the doctor you are seeing is really the best one for you? You [...]
School Immunizations: What You Need to Know
Getting your child immunized for certain diseases and illnesses is mandatory in Arizona. Unfortunately, some parents are skirting the law and choosing to ignore getting their kids protected. In society at large, there is a push among some parents not [...]
What You Need to Know About Sports Physicals
Sports are a great way for children to stay active and schools have many programs for your kids to participate in. Aside from gym class, if they are going to be on a sports team, then they will need a [...]
How Safe is Your Pool? Prevent Accidents Before They Happen
Oh, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! There is nothing like spending all day outdoors, sunning and barbecuing, and of course swimming in the pool. So, here's our question to you; just how safe is your pool? Being a [...]
Best Places for a Sports Physical
So your child wants to play on a sports team for their school. Good for them! But, before that can happen, they do have to do one little, but very important thing. They need to get a sports physical. Schools [...]