Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Let’s Talk About Teeth
When it comes to pediatrics in Phoenix, dental health and hygiene are one of the most important areas to focus on in regards to the health of children. Receiving the proper care and developing dental hygiene habits are essential from [...]
Everyone has Feelings
Talking to your son or daughter about how they are feeling is very important. A few helpful tips can help make dealing with these situations easier: For Parents: Spend time with your children as a family, and ask them how [...]
The Importance of Sleep
Children need a good night’s rest in order to properly grow and develop. While sleeping may seem like an easy enough activity to fit into a child’s day, our family practice specialists in Phoenix find that it is often overlooked. [...]
Child Car Safety
Car accidents are the number one cause of death for children ages 1 to 12 in the United States. By choosing the properly fitted seat for your child, you could potentially save their life in a crash. The chance of [...]
How to Soothe the Pain of Teething
Teething normally begins anywhere between 3 months and 12 months of age, starting with the two lower front teeth. The lower front teeth are then followed by the upper front teeth 1 to 2 months later. Teeth continue to come [...]
Be Prepared for Flu Season This Winter
As winter approaches, pediatricians in Phoenix notice a sharp rise in the number of flu cases. Flu is highly contagious; only a brief moment of contact with an infected individual can transmit the flu virus. Because the illness is so [...]
Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips
It’s a child’s favorite holiday: Halloween! In addition to the parties, pumpkin carving and spooky movies, children love getting dressed up in costumes to go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood with friends. While the holiday is a joyous occasion, there are [...]