Medical Record Requests
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Medical Record Requests
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also referred to as crib death, is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby under a year old. In the United States, SIDS is the number one cause of death in infants between the [...]
Influenza Vaccines
Every year in the United States, seasonal flu kills 24,000 people and hospitalizes 200,000. Infants and young children, especially under the age of five, make up a significant percentage of this statistic as they are a high risk group for [...]
The Case for Eating Healthy
This is Part 1 in a 3-part series of eating healthy to prevent obesity and related health problems. As a society, we are constantly trying to improve our health and the health of our children by making and encouraging healthier [...]
Helpful Tips for a Healthy School Year
Between trips to the store for school supplies and new clothing, your child may also require a trip to a pediatrician in Phoenix for school-mandated shots and vaccines before the school year begins. Preparing your child for the upcoming school [...]
The Importance of Vaccinations
Historically, parents consulted a Phoenix children’s doctor about immunizations, but the increased use of social media, blogging, and online parenting forums has exposed a number of concerns regarding immunizations that are spreading throughout the parenting community. These hesitations stem from [...]
Tips for a Healthy Summer
To keep children safe and healthy this summer, parents need to understand the risks posed by summer activities. Unfortunately, summer dangers don’t end with the application of sunscreen. While UV rays from the sun can be especially damaging to young [...]
Watch Your Kids around Water
Summer temperatures have settled on the valley, and with kids out of school, over 90% of families with young children will spend some time this summer in the water; almost half (48%) plan to swim at a place with no [...]