It’s not uncommon for children to be nervous or scared about getting their child immunizations. Needles are not enjoyable for anyone, even adults. But child immunizations are vital to the health of your child, and the safety and protection of society in general, so it’s important to work past that fear and make sure your child receives all of the child immunizations for which he or she is eligible. Your child may not understand the gravity of the need for child immunizations, but there are ways you can prepare him or her for getting shots.
Explain the Process
Once you have booked an appointment for child immunizations with your Glendale pediatricians, tell your child. Explain the pediatrics care involved in child immunizations — if your child understands what will happen when he or she arrives at the Glendale pediatricians clinic, you will take away some of his or her fear of the unknown.
Help is Available
There are children’s books, websites, and videos that explain child immunizations and can help your child realize that other children are visiting Glendale pediatricians for the same reason. Helping your child understand that child immunizations are something nearly everyone goes through can make him or her feel less alone.
You Did it Too!
You can also explain your own history of child immunizations, and the pediatrics care you experienced in your younger years. Knowing that mom or dad also had child immunizations can help kids through anxiety. The same goes for older siblings, relatives, or friends — the more people your child knows who have had child immunizations, the more normalized the process becomes.
Give Them Space to Ask Questions
When you visit the Glendale pediatricians clinic, let your child ask any questions he or she has about child immunizations or pediatrics care. Your Glendale pediatricians should expect this and be able to answer questions and put your child at ease to the best of their ability. This also allows your child to have some control and input into his or her pediatrics care.
When child immunizations are a regularly scheduled part of pediatrics care for your family, you may not need to do as much preparation beforehand, but some children will always be anxious about child immunizations. It’s normal and okay — just do your best to soothe your child’s fears, and don’t be afraid yourself. It will be over before they know it!