By now, you’ve seen it on the news: Don’t ever leave your kids (or pets) in a hot car. Children are more vulnerable to heatstroke, a deadly condition that occurs when the body becomes too hot to cool itself off again. In 80 degree weather, a car can heat up to deadly temperatures in just 10 minutes. 80 degree weather is positively chilly compared to Phoenix summer highs, making it that much more dangerous to leave kids in parked cars.
Last year, Maricopa County reported zero hot car deaths. We’d like to keep that clean record going. Here are some tips:
- Make sure sitters and relatives, especially those visiting from cooler climates, understand the very real and immediate danger of leaving anyone behind in the car.
- Carry a spare set of keys in case you accidentally lock your keys and kids in.
- Place a reminder such as a stuffed animal in the front seat whenever your children are in the backseat.
- Even if you’re constantly 100% careful, kids and pets are capable of locking themselves in. These things don’t only happen to other people, so be prepared to calmly respond if it happens to you.
- If you see kids in a hot car, call 911 first so the paramedics can get there as soon as possible.
- Break the windows to rescue anyone trapped inside. Aim for the window furthest from the child to avoid injuries from broken glass.
- If you are unable to break into the vehicle, cover the windows with a thick blanket or other material to slow the heating effect.
- If there are signs of heat illness, cool children off by spraying or pouring water on their skin. Do not use ice. Do not force unconscious or unalert children to drink water.
For more information and videos you can share, check out Safe Kids AZ.