

Tips For Getting Your Child To Eat Their Vegetables

2014-09-12T15:42:40-07:00September 12th, 2014|Blog|

It seems like a cliché, but don’t be amazed to find yourself saying “eat your vegetables,” while your child makes a face and says “yuck.” Don’t worry you’re not the only parent dealing with a picky eater. Read on for a few helpful tips from your Happy Valley Pediatricians on how to encourage your children to eat their vegetables. Studies show that most children have [...]

How To Prepare Your Child For Their Yearly Physical

2014-09-05T04:29:31-07:00September 5th, 2014|Blog|

Even if your child is in perfectly good health, it is important to make sure that they visit their pediatrician for a yearly physical. Not only does it give the parents a chance to ask questions regarding their child’s eating habits, behavior, and overall health, but seeing a patient in person allows the pediatrician to gauge their health more accurately. Annual physicals are different from [...]

When You Should Worry about a Cough

2014-08-29T09:00:22-07:00August 29th, 2014|Blog|

Children commonly develop coughs throughout the year with most being a result of the common cold. These types of coughs are caused by viral upper respiratory infections, meaning there are no antibiotics that can help to improve symptoms. Instead, children simply have to wait out the virus, which generally lasts no more than two weeks. While coughs from the common cold usually aren’t a big [...]

Back to School Tips for Parents

2014-08-22T09:00:58-07:00August 22nd, 2014|Blog|

As summer days come to an end, parents should begin preparing for their children to head back to school. This time of year is always hectic as parents have to work through a long to-do list, which includes such things as visits to pediatricians for physicals, shopping for new school supplies and clothing, making a new schedule and figuring out what to pack for lunch. [...]

Car Seat Rules and Regulations

2014-08-15T09:00:17-07:00August 15th, 2014|Blog|

As a parent, it is your job to keep your child as safe as possible, especially when traveling in the car. This area of child safety is often tricky for parents to navigate as there is a lot of misinformation out there about appropriate car seats for toddlers and children. Following this misinformation, a number of parents decide on car seats solely by the age [...]

What to Expect During a Wellness Visit

2014-08-08T09:00:50-07:00August 8th, 2014|Blog|

To ensure that children are in good health as they grow up, it is important that parents encourage a healthy lifestyle, and visit with pediatricians in Phoenix AZ for regular well child check ups. Top pediatricians in Phoenix are highly experienced and knowledgeable about all aspects of a child’s health and wellbeing, offering expert guidance and care as children move through each stage of growth. [...]

10 Tips to Preventing Childhood Obesity

2014-08-01T09:00:44-07:00August 1st, 2014|Blog|

During well child check ups, pediatrics doctors have noticed a troubling trend: an increase in the number of overweight and obese patients. Over the past 30 years, the rate of childhood obesity in the United States has more than doubled. This is a huge problem as obesity not only has immediate effects on health and wellbeing, but also long term effects, such as increased risk [...]

When to Start Solids

2014-07-25T09:00:16-07:00July 25th, 2014|Blog|

Parents are often anxious to begin feeding their kids solid foods, with many actually starting a little too soon. Generally, pediatricians in Anthem AZ and other areas throughout the country recommend that babies exclusively drink breast milk or formula up until six months of age. After that time, solid foods can then be introduced. If your baby has reached six months, and you have decided [...]

Infant Health and the Importance of Touch

2014-07-18T09:00:03-07:00July 18th, 2014|Blog|

Skin is the largest of our sensory organs, developing at less than 8 weeks inside the womb. It develops far sooner than other sensory body parts, such as eyes and ears, meaning we are all born with a pretty highly developed sense of touch. For this reason, touch is an extremely important component of newborn care, providing huge benefits to almost all systems of the [...]

Food Allergies and How to Handle Them

2014-07-11T09:00:40-07:00July 11th, 2014|Blog|

Pediatric allergists in Phoenix and other cities throughout the country have noticed a steady rise in the number of individuals with food allergies. This is especially true in children with 1 in every 13 individuals under the age of 18 developing an allergy to common foods, such as peanuts, eggs, wheat and shellfish. In order to help parents better understand how to deal with allergies [...]