

Helpful Tips for a Healthy School Year

2012-07-30T16:27:09-07:00July 30th, 2012|Blog|

Between trips to the store for school supplies and new clothing, your child may also require a trip to a pediatrician in Phoenix for school-mandated shots and vaccines before the school year begins. Preparing your child for the upcoming school year shouldn’t stop here however. Here are some tips to help keep your child happy and healthy throughout the school year: Screenings & checkups: In [...]

The Importance of Vaccinations

2012-07-06T16:50:10-07:00July 6th, 2012|Blog|

Historically, parents consulted a Phoenix children’s doctor about immunizations, but the increased use of social media, blogging, and online parenting forums has exposed a number of concerns regarding immunizations that are spreading throughout the parenting community. These hesitations stem from rumors, such as the one stating that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations were linked to autism. Even after the case was declared fraudulent and [...]

Tips for a Healthy Summer

2012-06-26T20:21:25-07:00June 26th, 2012|Blog|

To keep children safe and healthy this summer, parents need to understand the risks posed by summer activities.  Unfortunately, summer dangers don’t end with the application of sunscreen.  While UV rays from the sun can be especially damaging to young children, hydration and dietary needs still need to be addressed.  As a parent, prepare your child for the summer by following these guidelines: Eating Healthy: [...]

Watch Your Kids around Water

2012-06-14T19:01:19-07:00June 14th, 2012|Blog|

Summer temperatures have settled on the valley, and with kids out of school, over 90% of families with young children will spend some time this summer in the water; almost half (48%) plan to swim at a place with no lifeguard. Drownings can happen year round, but accidents during the summer months can increase up to 89% compared to the rest of the year.  Whether [...]

5 Nutrients Every Child Needs Daily

2012-05-24T19:07:04-07:00May 24th, 2012|Blog|

As children grow and develop they require a delicate balance of nutrients to properly develop. But finding this balance and determining which nutrients are needed and in what quantity can be challenging for parents. Incorporating proper nutrients in to a child’s diet is vital as they grow and develop, physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. While meeting the recommended daily intake of vitamins, special attention should [...]

Limiting your Child’s Screen Time

2012-04-26T20:56:13-07:00April 26th, 2012|Blog|

Screen time refers to the amount of time spent watching a television, computer, game console, or cell phone screen.  With the increased usage of media, the average screen time has risen drastically from just a generation ago.  An increasing number of pediatricians urge parents to recognize that high amounts of screen time can have several negative results, including: Health – Excessive time spent in front [...]

Learning About Sunscreen

2012-03-28T18:54:09-07:00March 28th, 2012|Blog|

Pediatrix understands that outdoor play and a healthy amount of Vitamin D are important for growing kids, but prolonged exposure to the Ultraviolet rays from the sun can become problematic to people of all ages.  Ultraviolet rays are dangerous because they can trigger a chemical reaction within your body’s cells and may cause: Premature aging of the skin Development of skin cancer Development of cataracts [...]

Children’s Antibiotics: Avoiding Overuse

2012-02-02T20:52:15-07:00February 2nd, 2012|Blog|

The Phoenix pediatricians at Pediatrix understand a parent’s desire to make their sick child feel better, but prescribing antibiotics may not always be the answer. In fact, in some cases antibiotics can do more harm than good. Giving a child unnecessary antibiotics does three potentially harmful things: It exposes your child to the drug’s potential side effects. It increases the child’s resistance to antibiotics, so [...]

Junk Food Marketing: How is it influencing your kids?

2012-01-24T19:13:30-07:00January 24th, 2012|Blog|

You may have heard marketers use the phrase ‘Get them while they are young’ when trying to attract new customers. But how young is too young?  Last year the fast food industry alone spent over $300 million to target children and teens as young as two.  The total amount spent marketing junk food products to adolescent and teen-age children?  $2 billion. Companies selling junk food [...]

The Importance of Exercise

2012-01-05T16:47:18-07:00January 5th, 2012|Blog|

As pediatricians in Phoenix, we at Pediatrix have been increasingly aware that childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic across the country.  Too often parents are late to recognize that their children have become overweight.  Children are developing heart disease, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, which was previously known as “adult onset diabetes.”  Being overweight also affects children’s psychological well being, reducing their self-worth and [...]