

Why Yearly Checkups Are Important for Your Kids Care

2024-06-27T09:54:44-07:00June 27th, 2024|Baby Care, Blog, Kids|

As a parent, you want to ensure your child is healthy, happy, and thriving. One crucial way to do this is by scheduling regular yearly checkups with a pediatrician to make sure their health is in excellent condition. These appointments are more than just routine—they're vital for monitoring your child's development, preventing illness, and addressing any concerns early on. Let's explore why yearly checkups are [...]

How ADHD Is Diagnosed in Children

2023-09-11T11:47:44-07:00September 11th, 2023|Blog, Kids|

ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is becoming more common nationwide. According to Brookings, around 6.8% of kids aged 3-17 are diagnosed with ADHD. Many parents wonder if specific behavioral issues also stem from a child having this disorder. Here’s how children may be diagnosed with ADHD. Pediatrician The first step is often to head to the pediatrician. A pediatrics doctor will speak with [...]

3 Ways to Teach Your Child Self-Care

2023-08-15T10:20:36-07:00August 15th, 2023|Blog, Kids|

The world is moving at a fast pace. Children are living in a completely different world than many of us grew up in and this has led to an increased mental health problem among our youth. According to SAMHSA, one in six children has experienced a major depressive episode. It's important to teach your child self-care and ensure your child has routine child wellness checks [...]

How Has Pediatric Technology Advanced in the 21st Century?

2023-04-07T11:13:45-07:00April 7th, 2023|Health, Kids|

Over the years, pediatric medical staff have seen the technology they use become more advanced. This has played a big part in keeping children alive - according to the World Health Organization, the number of deaths of children under the age of 5 has halved over the course of the decade-plus between 2000 and 2017. How has pediatric technology improved over that span of time? [...]

3 Key Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Routine Pediatrician Visit

2023-04-06T09:43:31-07:00April 5th, 2023|Kids|

Taking your child in for routine pediatrician care plays an important part in their health and growth. This is especially important when they are very young, which is why 97.9% of children regularly see a doctor when they are four and under, according to the CDC. While most of these visits seem to be more of a formality than anything, you want to make sure [...]

How Can a Regular Pediatrician Aid in Early Intervention?

2023-03-08T07:08:44-07:00March 8th, 2023|Blog, Kids|

Your pediatrician is an important partner in your child's early intervention. Early intervention can be provided to children who have developmental disabilities or delays, as well as physical and mental health problems. Your child's doctor can provide support and guidance while monitoring the progress of your child's development. They can also refer you to appropriate specialists and other professionals if needed. Below are some of [...]

Are All Pediatricians the Same?

2025-01-21T15:17:27-07:00January 17th, 2023|Blog, Doctor Visits, Health, Kids, Wellness|

You might think every pediatrician is the same, but that's far from the case. According to Modern Pediatrics, there are at least 20 different sub-specializations of pediatricians, not to mention experience and other factors. If you're looking for the best pediatrician, here's what you need to know about how they differ. Types of Pediatricians No matter what kind of professional you're working with, experience is [...]

How Do Pediatric Physicians Differ From Other Doctors?

2022-06-29T10:24:21-07:00June 29th, 2022|Kids|

As your family grows, you might find yourself in a difficult situation when selecting a primary care physician. Because children get sick often and require regular check-ups, you cannot put off this choice for very long. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 4.6% of children aged 5 to 11 years old have been absent from school for 11 or more days of [...]

Protect Your Child from the Flu with Scheduled Vaccinations

2021-06-04T07:56:57-07:00June 4th, 2021|Kids|

Children up to the age of 5, as well as adults over 65, are at a much higher risk of getting the flu and dealing with more severe cases. The flu is just more than a seasonal illness. It can cause serious complications in children. Many people are at risk of getting the flu, but children may end up dealing with severe complications. In the [...]

Why are Well Checks for Kids So Important?

2021-05-03T12:21:41-07:00May 3rd, 2021|Doctor Visits, Kids|

Kids get sick a lot. On average, a child can catch between six and eight colds a year. It may seem that you are always at the doctor's seeking kids care for something. While it may seem like you are back and forth a lot to the pediatrician, you should never skip out on well checks for kids. Typically, when you visit the pediatrician, the [...]