Pediatric care sets up children to succeed in life. According to Modern Pediatrics, there are at least 20 sub-specializations of pediatricians practicing medicine in the United States. All of them are important to children’s health outcomes. Child absenteeism from school is also one of the primary causes of child wellness checks from family service organizations. Kids want to learn, and responsive pediatric care will help families avoid problems.
The Crisis of Pediatric Care and School Absenteeism
The link between school attendance and quality health care is well attested by the American Academy of Pediatrics, as more than 13% of all children in the United States miss 15 or more school days a year. When children are chronically absent from school due to health issues, they risk being separated from their peers and falling further behind. This can include siblings’ health problems, too. These problems are worse when children who have neurodivergence, like ADHD or autism spectrum disorders, miss school. Access to comprehensive pediatric care is essential in addressing these health issues and ensuring that children can maintain regular attendance and stay connected with their educational environment.
Pediatricians are Parents’ Partners in their Children’s Development
The pediatric disciplines are distinguished from their adult counterparts because they have two patients: the child and their parents. Responsive pediatric care partners with parental responsibility in reducing child wellness checks by allowing children to be fully present at school. If your kids have chronic health issues, making sure they see the doctor regularly helps achieve this goal.
Children Who Miss School Less Do Better
Missing school can be catastrophic. Every three days of school missed corresponds to a one-letter grade reduction. Children who miss instruction and critical interactions with teachers and peers can find themselves lost in their lessons when they return to school. This disruption can make kids feel like strangers in their schools and put them at risk of bullying. Ensuring consistent attendance is crucial, and effective pediatric care can play a vital role in addressing health issues that contribute to absenteeism.
Money Issues Affect Everything
Because child wellness checks can be embarrassing for families, one of the best ways to avoid them is for the pediatrician to engage parents on issues that could harm their children’s success. Food insecurity is a problem experienced by many families now, and the easiest way to handle that is to attack it at the source. Getting families engaged with social services and schools gives them more skills and more tools to handle their problems, ultimately supporting their children’s pediatric care needs.
If your kids are at risk of missing school from chronic health problems, it may be time for a new pediatrician who specializes in pediatric care. They can help find treatment plans that mitigate health risks and keep kids in school. Your family’s future depends on your actions today. Contact Pediatrix today to schedule an appointment for your child and ensure they receive the best pediatric care possible!