
Monthly Archives: October 2021

What to Expect During Child Well Checks

2021-10-29T07:42:09-07:00October 29th, 2021|Blog|

Doctor's appointments aren't just for when your child is ill or injured. Depending on their age, children should be checked anywhere from every few months to once a year. These requirements change over the years, but it is important that you follow the guidelines set for your child's age group. After all, over 4% of children in schools missed classes more than 11 times in [...]

5 Tips to Keep Kids Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

2021-10-29T07:36:54-07:00October 29th, 2021|Blog|

With cold and flu season on the horizon, it's important for parents to know how to keep their children as healthy as possible. The people most at risk for severe flu symptoms include children up to the age of five, and those over 65. Pediatric doctors recommend that parents take special care of younger kids during this time to ensure that they don't end up [...]

Important Questions to Ask a Pediatrician You’re Considering for Newborn Care

2021-10-06T09:28:05-07:00October 6th, 2021|Blog|

Pediatricians play an essential role in ensuring babies are healthy and growing at the recommended rates and meeting developmental milestones. They might recognize issues early on and refer parents to a specialist. For example, babies who face developmental delays should be referred to special services like occupational therapy. When you are searching for a pediatrician to handle your newborn care, asking some questions can help [...]